We totally get how tricky it is to dress modestly. You want to look modest, but you also want to look attractive. But not too attractive such that it won’t be considered modest anymore- just enough to look great without being flashy. But how much is too much? How little is too little? What are some foolproof looks?
Well, we’re here to give you some tips. 🙂
- Purchase great quality staple items, such as shell tops, and modest dresses. By great quality, we don’t mean expensive items. Just avoid purchasing items that fall apart after a couple of washes. Quality shows.
- Wear dark and solid colors. Those have a way of instantly making the wearer look more elegant and classy.
- Tastefully accessorize. Try to steer clear from gaudy pieces.
- Go easy on the makeup. If you choose to wear lots of makeup, try to maintain the natural dewey look. Obvious styling, except on occasions, gets excessive on a regular basis.
- Speaking of occasions- if you really want to stand out- try dressing up a hint more than what the occasion calls for. Maybe style your hair differently, or opt for the fancier purse.
- Maintain a balance. For example, looser tops look awesome with dressy fitted skirts, and vice versa.
- Wear shoes that match your outfit. You don’t have to own countless pairs of shoes to achieve this, but it does add a nice touch when your shoes match with everything else.
- Be confident! That’s the ultimate cherry on top. Your confidence will shine far above everything else.
What are some other tips you might add? Tell us in the comments!