10 Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

10 Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

It’s that time of year again, when some of us are inspired to make the coming year, a better one. Some of us are tired of setting lofty goals only to see ourselves fail come February. Well, it’s easy to be critical of the New Year’s Resolution, but at Kosher Casual, we salute the effort and intention! Therefore, we’ve put together some ideas on how to help you achieve your New Year’s Resolutions.

  1. Choose ONE resolution. There are so many ways each and every one can “improve”, but the best way to climb the mountain is to just choose one mountain. This year prioritize your goals and identify the one that is most frustrating and most achievable, the one that drives you the craziest.
  2. If you didn’t choose a New Year’s Resolution, it’s not too late! Just because New Year’s Eve has come and gone, doesn’t mean the chance at self-improvement has too. Take some time and make that difference starting immediately.
  3. Stay away from previous “resolutions”. This year tackle something new, something that won’t make it easy to fall into the same habit of giving up. Choose something that can change your life today and will encourage you to take on previous resolutions once you’ve achieved and devoured this one.
  4. A New Year’s Resolution is personal. Don’t base your goal on what your friends, coworkers and family are doing. This resolution is about you, so dig deep and get personal.
  5. Outline the steps. Make this resolution attainable by setting time-based steps. Create levels of growth and focus on one part at a time. Often, when you can visualize the entire path, reaching the finish line is more feasible.
  6. Share your resolution. Tell your friends and family what your resolution is so as to make yourself accountable. By offering this information to your everyday peers, they can help to encourage and keep you on track.
  7. Remind yourself why you’re doing this. Add mental reminders a part of your morning routine. Wakeup, brush your teeth, tell the girl in the mirror that today is the day! If morning groggy head gets in the way, get sticky notes and add them to your path through the house.
  8. Add a reward system. Remember those new pointy flats you wanted so badly, well, their yours if you get halfway to destination resolution
  9. Pick up the pencil and make it concrete. Writing out your plans and goals will make it more real and help you focus on each step without getting overwhelmed by the overall goal.
  10. Finally, expect to falter. Allow yourself setbacks and don’t let them throw you off the deep-end. When you allow yourself to be human and recognize that it’s part of the process, you are less likely to quit.

So whether you’re finally going to tackle that nail biting habit or make journaling a regular part of your day, know that we’re rooting for you!

Happy New Year from the Kosher Casual Team!

* In the event your New Year’s resolution has anything to do with fitness, check out our line of modest workout gear! Skirts with leggings attached at different lengths and color combinations, see it here.

Staying Fit, Comfortably and Modestly

Staying Fit, Comfortably and Modestly

So much of exercising is in the gear, when you have comfortable clothing to wear it is easier to get motivated to get out and go for a jog or hit the gym. With the summer upon us, getting outside for a run can be even more daunting with the heat and the beaming sun. Finding workout clothing that is both comfortable and modest, now THAT is daunting.

Considering leggings are a necessity for modesty when running or doing crunches at the gym, often times women that choose to dress modestly find themselves wearing layers. Some layers work, but some can drag you down. Then of course, the fabric, just like swimming, the fabric can be crucial in providing comfort or even UV protection when running outside.

Finding the perfect outfit that will encourage you to exercise as opposed to keep you from getting out is a good step to help you meet your fitness goals.  Afterall, the modest woman needs just as much to stay in shape as any other women. Dressing modest does not mean frumpy!

How do you stay modest when you exercise? Share your tips and tricks below.

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