It’s usually quite fun to dress modestly. Although it can get a little time-consuming, there is something exciting about pairing modest tops with skirts. It’s also fun to choose accessories to go with modest dresses. Some might argue that it’s ‘too much work.’ However, we modest fashionistas know that dressing modestly has a way of changing you and your surroundings.
For starters, men generally treat women who fashionably dress modestly a little differently. The good kind of different. They become more chivalrous. When you dress modestly, you’ll have more people open doors for you, hold elevators, and help carry heavy objects. Interestingly enough, there appears to be differences between when you wear skirts as part of a suit, versus professional-looking dresses. With the former, many feel that others feel somehow threatened by them, as though the wearer is competition. With dresses, the wearer is generally simply seen as a lady.
Also, did you notice that wearing modest skirts and dresses simply makes you *feel* more feminine? You end up feeling softer and lighter. You’ll want to smile more, and you will also become more careful in how you present yourself. It’s an interesting phenomenon because somehow you end up wanting your attitude and mannerisms to match with what you are wearing. You will walk, talk, and maneuver yourself in a graceful manner.
On the flip side, there will be instances where you might initially feel a little self-conscious. For example, we’ve heard of women feeling embarrassed over the thought of being over dressed in places such as coffee shops. They sometimes worry over whether others might perceive them to be unintelligent or simply unaware of how to dress in different places. Our advice? Own your look! Rock that coffee shop, knowing that you’re the best-dressed person there. All eyes are on you? Great! That’s cause you look awesome- so you should feel awesome! At this point, we’re sure you’re perfectly aware that confidence is something that actually shows, as does the lack of it. So be confident, and be luminous! Remember- as long as you are dressed in a modern and modest way, without being too extravagant- you will fit amongst any crowd.