Women Must Dress Modestly for Themselves, Not For Men

Women Must Dress Modestly for Themselves, Not For Men

Who is it that women must dress modestly for? Sure, pleasing God plays a factor for those who choose to be religious, but what/who else?

Most modern feminists would argue that every woman deserves to be treated with respect, no matter what she wears. The general consensus is that a woman who dresses modestly is one who radiates virtue and class. Additionally, dressing modestly can make any woman feel empowered and it can also show others her true value.

Unfortunately, many young women who are coming-of-age feel the need to wear revealing clothes just to attract a man’s attention. Instead of dressing in a revealing way with the intent to provoke lust, women should dress in a way that will boost her own self respect. A truly modest woman turns heads with what is in her heart, not by revealing her body. But again- she must know that the intent shouldn’t be to turn heads in the first place. Women should dress modestly, first and foremost, for themselves.

We have previously written about how dressing modestly can change the world around the wearer. It serves as an expression of morals and beliefs. It also lets it be known that there is far more to them than what meets the eye.

Dressing modestly certainly does not mean dressing in a manner that isn’t flattering. You can make amazing and bold fashion statements while staying covered as well! You should never feel the need to dress modestly if the only reason is for a man to respect you. Instead you should dress modestly for your own self-confidence, which will blossom from within. 

What Does the Outfit Say About the Modest Woman?

What Does the Outfit Say About the Modest Woman?

Is it okay to judge people by the way they dress? It certainly isn’t, but in some cases, such as first impressions, one can’t help but be swayed towards some type of opinion on someone based on what they see (and don’t see!)

What do you feel the outfits worn by modest women say about them? There certainly isn’t one solid answer to this, because opinions tend to vary, just as opinions on what is considered to be modest tend to vary. Some may feel intimidated by modest women, while others feel utmost respect. Then there are those of a more religious mindset that would feel a sense of immediate kinship when they see someone else dressed like them.

Self Confidence

Modest women are generally perceived to be self-confident. The clothing they choose to wear are the clothes they feel comfortable in and clothes that make them feel good about themselves. Satisfaction comes across in the way a modest woman walks along her path, with their head up while taking purposeful steps. Oftentimes, their outfits make bold fashion statements in their own unique way, allowing onlookers to admire their sense of style, maybe even wanting to replicate it.


While the way modest women are perceived based off their attire is important, there is more than meets the eye. The clothing of modest women can be expressive of the values and morals they attach to themselves or their outlook on life. When they sport clean-cut, unwrinkled tops and have their hair neatly kept, it is evident the person values cleanliness and takes the time to take care of themselves. Or if they wear outfits bursting with vibrant colors, any onlooker would be able to tell they are a creative person with a passion for life.

It’s amazing how much positivity is inherently attributed to modest styles. Though it may be a hassle at times to maintain the modest look, it’s certainly worth it at the end of the day because of the strength that is exuded.

Foolproof Tips to Rock the Modest Look AND Stay Attractive

Foolproof Tips to Rock the Modest Look AND Stay Attractive

We totally get how tricky it is to dress modestly. You want to look modest, but you also want to look attractive. But not too attractive such that it won’t be considered modest anymore- just enough to look great without being flashy. But how much is too much? How little is too little? What are some foolproof looks?

Well, we’re here to give you some tips. 🙂

  1. Purchase great quality staple items, such as shell tops, and modest dresses. By great quality, we don’t mean expensive items. Just avoid purchasing items that fall apart after a couple of washes. Quality shows.
  2. Wear dark and solid colors. Those have a way of instantly making the wearer look more elegant and classy.
  3. Tastefully accessorize. Try to steer clear from gaudy pieces.
  4. Go easy on the makeup. If you choose to wear lots of makeup, try to maintain the natural dewey look. Obvious styling, except on occasions, gets excessive on a regular basis.
  5. Speaking of occasions- if you really want to stand out- try dressing up a hint more than what the occasion calls for. Maybe style your hair differently, or opt for the fancier purse.
  6. Maintain a balance. For example, looser tops look awesome with dressy fitted skirts, and vice versa.
  7. Wear shoes that match your outfit. You don’t have to own countless pairs of shoes to achieve this, but it does add a nice touch when your shoes match with everything else.
  8. Be confident! That’s the ultimate cherry on top. Your confidence will shine far above everything else.

What are some other tips you might add? Tell us in the comments!

Modest Fashion: Rising In Popularity, Or Always Popular?

Modest Fashion: Rising In Popularity, Or Always Popular?

Before online shopping became widespread, most of us faced great difficulty in finding modest clothes that were flattering, timeless, and great quality. In recent years, especially now, it became easier than ever to find a sizeable selection of modest dresses, skirts, tops and more without even leaving your seat.

So that makes it safe to say that modest fashion is “in,” right? It’s easier to find, because it’s rising in popularity, right? Well, maybe. Also maybe not.

It won’t completely be correct to say that demand for modest wear has particularly risen in any way. That’s because women from many religions and backgrounds have chosen to stay covered for a very long time already. Their style may simply have not been given the label of “modest” earlier on. Also, the fashion industry, very generally speaking, also always catered to modest women. But of course, there were always different variables that came into play, such as price points, designs, variety, and awareness.

So what changed between then and now? What makes modest fashion more ‘a thing’ now than before? According to Mary Wang of Racked,

The only difference between then and now is that fashion no longer serves its modest clients under wraps — instead, the mainstream industry is openly using modesty as a marketing tool.

Another difference is that smaller entrepreneurs and indie designers are able to have a greater voice than ever before, thanks to ecommerce, combined with social media.

So all-in-all, instead of saying that modest fashion is rising in popularity, it may be more accurate to say that it is finally getting the mainstream attention it deserves.

Impromptu Photoshoot Ideas for Warmer Weather

Impromptu Photoshoot Ideas for Warmer Weather

Gotta love the warmer seasons! You can finally take out the prettier modest skirts and dresses that were stashed away this past winter, and rock them in the gorgeous weather without winter coat over it. And hmm, what is one to do when you combine gorgeous weather with gorgeous outfits? Take pics! Lots of pics! Awesome pics!

Camera shy? No problem! Take pics of the flowers in bloom, or fruits ripening in the sun. You can also snap a few pics of your friends/family/pets enjoying the lovely weather. While you’re at it, please don’t limit yourself to stiff pics standing in front of a tree. Capture some warmth, personality, and pizazz to really make your images pop.

Here are some ideas for you to grab inspiration from! Each slideshow features multiple images from the same series. We’re sure some of these will get your imagination running.

Enjoy your modest fashions in the warm weather! Also- feel free to tag/mention us in your pics that you post online, where you’re wearing our designs. That always makes our day!


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