Easily Dress Modestly in the Beach

Easily Dress Modestly in the Beach

Is it possible to be modest in the beach, without actually suffering inside? Yes absolutely! We’ve previously written about how modest dress codes in tourist destinations, and how to dress for a cruise. Allow us to tell you how you can look modestly fabulous for the beach!

For starters, thank goodness we live in a digital day and age where you can simply order modest active wear, including swim shirts and cover-up skirts. Offhand, you might wonder, “What’s the difference?” The difference is that these items offer utmost comfort and protection for the modest wearer. They are UV protective, fast drying, and are even chlorine resistant. In the case of the swim shirts, they offer a double fabric panel at the chest, which helps maintain modesty after the area comes in contact with water. Best part of all is that these come in many gorgeous colors. No need to suffer in the heat wearing all-black!

There’s a passage we particularly love, from modest blogger TorahCents on the topic of dressing modestly for the beach:

What I do believe is that modesty is not relative to your situation or location. If your standard of modesty is a bikini on a beach, COOL! Then you should feel just as comfortable and appropriate with that on if you had to run into a grocery store or to church for service.

If you don’t, please believe that outfit is not your standard of modesty. It’s something that you have convinced your heart to believe is ok based upon what society promotes. It is illogical to believe that a bikini or one piece is ok at a public beach, but rocking a bra and panties or a leotard is immodest everywhere else. It’s the same thing—the same level of coverage, just made of different material.

What are your thoughts on dressing modestly in the beach? Let us know!


Modest Clothing For Kids (Or, How to Be Modest AND Matching!)

Modest Clothing For Kids (Or, How to Be Modest AND Matching!)

You want to dress your little ones in cute, modest clothing. Your kids just want to dress themselves. Encourage their independence AND guarantee a matching, modest outfit. We’ll tell you how.

To pretty much guarantee your children can pick out their own clothes all by themselves AND look presentable and modest, I have two words for you: Neutral bottoms.

This is a great trick I discovered years ago. With plain bottoms—knee-length denim skirts or jeans are a great example—your kids can spice it up with colorful tops, but still coordinate. (Though my daughter does have an interesting habit of pairing neutrals with neutrals. “If I wear a brown skirt, I should wear a brown shirt.” Yes, if you are dressing up like dirt.)

Tips for Easy Self-Dressing

  1. Avoid “outfits.” Stay away from any skirt+ shirt or pants + shirt combo. I dislike “outfits” because the colors and patterns are designed to look good only together, so you can’t pair them with a different top or bottom. This is limiting! I protest! And it’s a morning fashion disaster waiting to happen, because you just know one of the pieces will be AWOL. (Tip: It was used as a blanket for a stuffed animal, fell behind your child’s bed when they were “cleaning up” and is serving as the local community center for a population of dust bunnies.)
  2. Knee-length denim skirts. Many schools require modest length skirts for girls. Or maybe you just hate the child-in-a-miniskirt look. Either way, there are plenty of knee-length denim skirts (or longer lengths) to choose from. Denim, truly, is a girl’s best friend—it goes with anything, and during the colder months, it looks great with a cute pair of leggings underneath.
  3. Sport skirts. For a change from denim and a softer feel, go for a versatile and functional knee-length “sport” skirt. Sport skirts are made of a soft knit material and move easily. In shades of blues, brown, black or gray, your daughter can pair it with a brightly colored shirt and be ready for an action-packed day.
  4. Jeans. Like the denim skirt, a good pair of jeans is a must-have for boys. It’s easy to coordinate with shirts and very comfortable. A dark wash of jeans could even be appropriate for a more formal occasion. (Really! Try pairing a dark pair of jeans with a button-down shirt and see how debonair he looks. Sunglasses not included.)

What are your tried and true kid-dressing tips?

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