I Love My Leggings!

I Love My Leggings!

Whether heading out to the store, jogging through neighborhood, or striding into an important business meeting, women who choose a modest lifestyle have got it covered.  And more and more, modest, yet fashion-conscious women are choosing leggings to complete outfits that are characterized by just the right balance between “coverage” and “cool.”

Long Black Leggings

Long Black Leggings

Leggings offer comfort, confidence and an amazing variety of modest fashion options. Under a skirt, tunic or dress, leggings of different lengths are a smooth, breathable layer that provides a snug sense of support – without the struggle or “snag” of traditional tights or pantyhose.  At the same time, leggings bridge the gap between those body contours we want to see, and those we think should be kept under wraps.

Adding leggings to your wardrobe is a great way to bridge the seasons in style.  Paired with boots or funky socks, leggings provide colorful layering options that allow you to extend the usefulness of a summer outfit into the fall. When spring rolls around, just ditch the socks for a pair of sandals, throw a kicky scarf around your neck, and you’re in business.

Leggings are also a natural choice for modest exercise clothing. They give you the easy-going mobility you need to stay covered – and forget about how you look – while you concentrate on reaching your personal best.  Leggings keep you feeling strong, too; an athletic, sporty silhouette can be a great motivator – whatever your workout routine.

Perhaps the best thing about leggings is the variety of modest fashion choices you can make. Coordinated with the color of your top, it’s easy to use leggings to create a sleek, top-to-bottom look that de-emphasizes your legs and draws attention to your dazzling smile. But modest clothing doesn’t equal dressing demure – with the huge variety of colors and patterns out there, leggings also stand front and center, offering a playful, yet modest fashion statement.


Modest Clothing For Kids (Or, How to Be Modest AND Matching!)

Modest Clothing For Kids (Or, How to Be Modest AND Matching!)

You want to dress your little ones in cute, modest clothing. Your kids just want to dress themselves. Encourage their independence AND guarantee a matching, modest outfit. We’ll tell you how.

To pretty much guarantee your children can pick out their own clothes all by themselves AND look presentable and modest, I have two words for you: Neutral bottoms.

This is a great trick I discovered years ago. With plain bottoms—knee-length denim skirts or jeans are a great example—your kids can spice it up with colorful tops, but still coordinate. (Though my daughter does have an interesting habit of pairing neutrals with neutrals. “If I wear a brown skirt, I should wear a brown shirt.” Yes, if you are dressing up like dirt.)

Tips for Easy Self-Dressing

  1. Avoid “outfits.” Stay away from any skirt+ shirt or pants + shirt combo. I dislike “outfits” because the colors and patterns are designed to look good only together, so you can’t pair them with a different top or bottom. This is limiting! I protest! And it’s a morning fashion disaster waiting to happen, because you just know one of the pieces will be AWOL. (Tip: It was used as a blanket for a stuffed animal, fell behind your child’s bed when they were “cleaning up” and is serving as the local community center for a population of dust bunnies.)
  2. Knee-length denim skirts. Many schools require modest length skirts for girls. Or maybe you just hate the child-in-a-miniskirt look. Either way, there are plenty of knee-length denim skirts (or longer lengths) to choose from. Denim, truly, is a girl’s best friend—it goes with anything, and during the colder months, it looks great with a cute pair of leggings underneath.
  3. Sport skirts. For a change from denim and a softer feel, go for a versatile and functional knee-length “sport” skirt. Sport skirts are made of a soft knit material and move easily. In shades of blues, brown, black or gray, your daughter can pair it with a brightly colored shirt and be ready for an action-packed day.
  4. Jeans. Like the denim skirt, a good pair of jeans is a must-have for boys. It’s easy to coordinate with shirts and very comfortable. A dark wash of jeans could even be appropriate for a more formal occasion. (Really! Try pairing a dark pair of jeans with a button-down shirt and see how debonair he looks. Sunglasses not included.)

What are your tried and true kid-dressing tips?

Why I Love My Leggings

Why I Love My Leggings

Okay, I admit it. I am in love. I have never found a single article of clothing to be so useful, versatile and multipurpose as my stretch leggings.

I am not a fan of tights, and I’m really not a fan of stockings, and neither are my girls. Leggings provide all four of us with the perfect alternative – thin and flexible, warm and comfortable, yet easy to put on and hard to tear! But, there is so much more I love about my leggings…


Take today for example. I dressed for work in a cozy sweater, a knee-length black skirt and my stretch leggings tucked into a pair of leather boots. Just the right mix of style and class for the office. When I arrived home, I slipped off my boots in exchange for a fuzzy pair of slippers and managed to spend some quality time playing with the kids. The leggings not only protected me from the cold of the tile floor, they kept me confident that my nimble maneuvers wouldn’t compromise my modesty. Once the dishes were cleared and the kids in bed, I started to think about exercising, and of course, I realized that my stretch leggings would give me enough movement for my exercise (I then decided I’d rather write this blog post instead). My oldest daughter, however, wears her leggings to exercise regularly during gym class instead changing into sweatpants.

While I get the most use out of my basic black leggings, when it comes to my girls, leggings with funky colors and patterns are always preferred. They love patterned leggings because they look adorable and give them the freedom to move and play. I love them because they are durable, easy and warm. Of course, I’d be thrilled if they wouldn’t wear spotted leggings with floral dresses…but I guess that’s a lesson for another day.

Whether hidden under a long skirt or exposed for a trendy, layered look, leggings are an absolute winter must have in my book.

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